
I’m an advisor for a new biotech company in the immunotherapy space with Vijay Pandurangan around recruiting, fundraising, and partnerships, and also a UK based biotech scout for 2048 Ventures.

I previously worked with Pillar VC’s bio platform team in Boston where I was focused on community and founder support, sourcing, and diligence on their bio team across the US/EU. I’ve consulted with Ochre Bio to supercharge internal and external comms and community to prepare for Series A round launch.


I co-founded Nucleate Dojo, global biotech platform & talent hub enabling undergraduates to contribute to the biotech industry through tailored education, tight-knit communities, and capital (M&A with Nucleate in 2021). Within Nucleate Dojo, I created a number of programs including the DojoHouse, the first ever biotech themed co-living house for undergraduate professionals.


I’ve done undergraduate research across tissue engineering and proteogenomics. I conducted my final year thesis with the Cox Lab on differential gene expression analysis of single cell seq pregnancy-induced hypertrophic cardiac tissue. Previously worked with the McGuigan Lab on the development of a 3D tumour tissue model for drug testing, and did my third-year thesis project with the Allen Lab on crossing the BBB for glioblastoma treatment.

Other Work

Currently a mentor for FemTech Labs in the UK. Previously mentored teams for BioHackNYC, and worked with U of T Entrepreneurship helping boost community between 12+ incubators/hubs and 100+ startups.


I’m a fellow at Emergent Ventures, On Deck Longevity Biotech, and VitaDAO. My work has also been supported by Age1 and the 1517 fund.


Thank you to Aishwarya Khanduja, Tony Kulesa, Thomas De Vlaam, Vijay Pandurangan, Brian Cox, Alison McGuigan, and Naomi Levy-Strumpf.